PSA Nitrogen Generator, Twin Tower Systems


The Nitrogen PSA Generator system separates nitrogen from compressed air using Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) technology. Compressed air, which is comprised of approximately 78% Nitrogen and 21% Oxygen, passes through a Carbon Molecular Sieve (CMS). This Molecular Sieve preferentially adsorbs Oxygen and moisture. It allows the Nitrogen to pass as a gas product at a specific pressure. While one tower is in adsorption phase, another tower will be regenerated. The de-pressurizing process allows the Carbon Molecular Sieve to release adsorbed gases into the atmosphere. This cycle repeats, resulting in a continuous flow of controlled Nitrogen purity.

This system has a reduced footprint and is ideal for medium/large flow rates. It is made up of single pairs of Twin Tower Adsorber Vessels, Air & Nitrogen Buffer Vessels (can be installed on common skid or separately).

Standard Features:

  • Oxygen Analyzer w/ Calibration Kit
  • ASME Adsorber Vessels
  • High Cycle Life Pneumatic & Electric Valves
  • Nitrogen Pressure Regulator
  • Pressure Safety Valve
  • Carbon Steel Skids
  • PLC Controls System
  • High Performance Adsorbent Media
  • Silencing Exhaust Muffler

Options & Upgrades

  • Post Filtration Package
  • Inlet Filtration Package
  • Auto Standby/Startup/Shut Down Modes
  • Product Flow Meters
  • HMI Screen Display
  • Off Specification Circuit
  • Nitrogen Buffer Tank
  • Compressed Air Buffer Tank
  • Enhanced PLC w/ Telemetry
  • Master Controller (for multi-unit operations)
  • Part-Load Control (Energy Saving)
  • Dew Point Analyzer


  • Automatic Unattended Operation
  • Lower Energy Consumption
  • Lower Gas Generating Cost
  • Easy to install
  • High Reliability
  • Heavy Duty Construction
  • Low Maintenance
  • Low dBa Level
  • No Hazardous Storage


PSA Model 97% 99% 99.9% 99.99% 99.999% Approx. Weight and Dimensions
SCFH Nm3/h SCFH Nm3/h SCFH Nm3/h SCFH Nm3/h SCFH Nm3/h H W L Weight
Inlet P (PSIG) 90 145 90 145 90 145 90 145 90 145 90 145 90 145 90 145 90 145 90 145 Inch Inch Inch Lbs.
Inlet P (Barg) 6.2 10 6.2 10 6.2 10 6.2 10 6.2 10 6.2 10 6.2 10 6.2 10 6.2 10 6.2 10
NS-20-78 6188 10548 163.3 278.3 4552 7489 120.1 197.6 2616 3903 69.0 103.0 1770 2122 46.7 56.0 933 766 24.6 20.2 110 52 58 3851
NS-20-93 7378 12574 194.7 331.8 5441 8928 143.6 235.6 3128 4653 82.5 122.8 2115 2530 55.8 66.8 1115 913 29.4 24.1 110 50 54 4228
NS-24-75 8685 14799 229.2 390.5 6372 10507 168.1 277.2 3662 5476 96.6 144.5 2477 2977 65.4 78.5 1306 1075 34.5 28.4 97 54 60 4592
NS-24-85 9832 16755 259.4 442.1 7255 11896 191.4 313.9 4170 6200 110.0 163.6 2820 3371 74.4 88.9 1487 1217 39.2 32.1 118 54 60 5378
NS-30-68 12446 21209 328.4 559.6 9103 15058 240.2 397.3 5232 7848 138.0 207.1 3538 4267 93.4 112.6 1865 1541 49.2 40.7 103 72 72 6909
NS-30-81 14839 21209 391.5 559.6 10924 15058 288.2 397.3 6279 7848 165.7 207.1 4246 4267 112.0 112.6 2238 1541 59.1 40.7 121 72 72 7576
NS-36-74 19693 33557 519.6 885.4 14524 23826 383.2 628.7 8348 12417 220.3 327.6 5645 6751 148.9 178.1 2976 2438 78.5 64.3 116 74 88 9370
NS-36-95 25266 43053 666.6 1136.0 18570 30568 490.0 806.5 10674 15931 281.6 420.3 7218 8662 190.4 228.5 3805 3127 100.4 82.5 137 74 88 10882
NS-42-83 30216 51490 797.3 1358.6 22211 36558 586.0 964.6 12766 19053 336.8 502.7 8634 10359 227.8 273.3 4551 3740 120.1 98.7 135 84 112 15238
NS-48-74 34987 59667 923.1 1574.3 25805 42364 680.9 1117.8 14832 22079 391.3 582.6 10030 12004 264.6 316.7 5288 4334 139.5 114.4 127 90 112 15602
NS-48-85 40173 68457 1060.0 1806.3 29494 48605 778.2 1282.5 16952 25331 447.3 668.4 11464 13772 302.5 363.4 6044 4973 159.5 131.2 138 90 112 16360
NS-48-94 44433 75715 1172.4 1997.8 32771 53758 864.7 1418.4 18836 28017 497.0 739.2 12738 15233 336.1 401.9 6715 5500 177.2 145.1 147 90 112 16699
NS-60-68 50683 86366 1337.3 2278.8 37140 61320 979.9 1617.9 21347 31958 563.2 843.2 14436 17375 380.9 458.4 7611 6274 200.8 165.5 121 120 156 19988
NS-60-74 50683 86366 1337.3 2278.8 37140 61320 979.9 1617.9 21347 31958 563.2 843.2 14436 17375 380.9 458.4 7611 6274 200.8 165.5 127 120 156 20791
NS-60-81 55178 94025 1455.9 2480.9 40782 66759 1076.0 1761.5 23440 34792 618.5 918.0 15852 18916 418.3 499.1 8357 6830 220.5 180.2 184 120 156 21774
NS-60-88 60364 102862 1592.7 2714.0 44423 72872 1172.1 1922.7 25533 37979 673.7 1002.1 17267 20649 455.6 544.8 9103 7456 240.2 196.7 184 120 156 25515
NS-60-94 65550 111699 1729.6 2947.2 48064 79307 1268.2 2092.5 27626 41332 728.9 1090.6 18682 22472 492.9 592.9 9849 8114 259.9 214.1 184 120 156 28016
Flow and pressure values are averages throughout a cycle with tolerances of ±4%. Performance data based on 68°F (20°C) PSA inlet temperature. Standard conditions: 68°F (20°C) and 14.696 psi (1 atm). Custom sizes are available upon request.